Monday, October 24, 2011

Pyogenic Granuloma

Back in July, I got a blood blister from pinching my thumb while loading the baby car seat into it's base. I picked idly at it with a safety pin one day, and it bled horribly. After a week or so, it looked like it was healing, but then it swelled and re-opened and bled horribly again. It has gone through this irritating cycle every few weeks for the past few months. Well, last week I decided I was sick of it and set an appointment with a dermatologist for today. Turns out it is a pyogenic granuloma, which had to be surgically removed and sent off to be biopsied! Now I have four stitches in my thumb and an enormous pink bandage to boot. I've never had stitches before that I can remember, let alone on my right hand-- this will be an interesting couple of weeks as I learn to do things left-handed for a spell!


  1. I am with Mindy...What!? I am glad that you got it taken care of, but that is major! It looked like a blood blister, but I have never heard of a pyelr.....
