Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Playing Catch-Up...

A lot happens in 3 months. I feel like I ought to play catch-up here; sorry if I miss something great and forget to report it. The boys are darling and growing fast:

We had a fantastic Christmas, probably our best ever. Going to Sacrament Meeting in the middle of the day was a wonderful way to break up the fun and remember why we celebrate Christmas in the first place.

We celebrated baby Enoch's 1st birthday between Christmas and New Year's. His first year has flown by for me.
Getting through the holidays and back to normalcy is always nice for me. I love the "care-free-ness" of time off, but there is so much hustle and bustle, and trying to stay on top of our household during a long break is trying for me. I like the routine of the non-holidays.

Hyrum celebrated his 8th birthday at the end of January with his very 1st "friends" party (we've always just celebrated with family in the past). He invited 8 friends to come to a Beyblade Battle Birthday Bash.

We ended January with Hyrum's baptism:
His cousins, Sadie and Erica, were baptized the same night.
Sorry about the rushed "catch-up." Hopefully I'll be able to keep up better with blogging for the rest of this year!


  1. They sure are getting big! I wish we would have known about Hyrum's baptism. We would have loved to come. Now that Grandma is gone, we don't hear about anything going on anymore!
    Love ya. Aunt Jan

    1. Oh, Aunt Jan, I am so sorry we didn't let you know about it! I know, with Grandma as our central hub, we always knew about each other's big events. We will try to do a better job at that from now on.

  2. We so wish we could have been around for the baptism, that is such a big event! Caroline was so excited for Hyrum :)
