Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thor Lives at Our House

In case anyone wondered where he has gone to, the Almighty Thor is alive and well and living at our house!
I don't think Samuel has taken the helmet off for anything more than bedtime, bath time, and church for about five or six weeks now. And he carries around the beat-up foam hammer every where he goes. It is absolutely precious.
(After Halloween, he wore around a Baby Jaguar costume for about a month, then it was Winnie-the-Pooh for a couple of weeks, and then Super Man, until he discovered Thor. This one is definitely the most long-lived. Wonder who he'll be next?)

1 comment:

  1. Haha, this is hilarious! Oh we love little Samuel, I love that he finds so much joy in dressing up. He looks awesome as Thor!
